
Thursday, February 19, 2015

1000 Steps

When I first arrived in California, back from school, I visited the notorious 1000 steps beach in Laguna. Having heard of the recent tragedy, I am frightened to ever go back, and feel deep sorrow for the family of the boy who passed away. I firmly advise parents and kids to not follow the hype! I have visited the dangerous part of the rocks, and luckily was with a large group of people to watch out for large waves, and some decently strong boys to help get over and through the rough rocks. This time, I was equipped with two friends whom were both girls, and a very expensive camera (not an iPhone) (it was crazy cool, because I forgot how good of pictures cameras take), so we decided to skip the rough patch and head to the closest, safest spot. Here is a collection of photos that were taken that day:

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